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Welcome to Unleashed, a name chosen for its call to action. I believe in unleashing authentic leadership—liberating individuals to be true to themselves, recognize their strengths, and inspire others to do the same. In my commitment to unbridled authenticity, I invite you to join a journey where being genuine is the catalyst for impactful leadership.

What is

Authentic Leadership

Authentic leadership is a style characterized by a commitment to honesty, transparency, and self-awareness. It emphasizes genuine communication, fostering trust, loyalty, and commitment among followers.  Authentic leaders value sincerity and integrity in guiding and influencing others.

About Me

Dr. Jeremy Majeski

I am the principal at Frankfurt International School’s Wiesbaden Campus, overseeing a diverse international school spanning preschool through eighth grade. With a background that includes serving as the elementary school principal at the American School of Barcelona and extensive experience as an elementary educator and administrator in the Chicago suburbs, I consider myself to be a purpose-driven leader. Beyond the school setting, I extend my impact as an adjunct professor, teaching graduate courses in education and leadership. I wish to be known for my talent in creating dynamic and successful school environments, driving sustainable change for elevated student success. Grounded in authentic leadership, my approach seeks to empower individuals, build trust, and cultivate a shared vision for excellence. 

Dr. Jeremy J. Majeski

Leadership Unleashed

Here, I share my voice through insightful blogs, providing a space for authentic conversations that transcend traditional leadership boundaries. Unleashed is a home base, a sanctuary where the power of authentic leadership is celebrated.

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Leadership Resources

Through curated research and resources, discover a wealth of insights that empower you on your own authentic leadership journey.

Mentorship Opportunity

I extend an opportunity for mentorship—an invitation for transitioning international school leaders aspiring to be authentic, where their true capabilities are not just encouraged but fully unleashed to shine.

Join Us

Join me at Unleashed, where leadership takes on a whole new meaning, and authenticity becomes the guiding force for your personal and professional growth.

"Jeremy has the innate ability to develop leadership capacity in teachers which has contributed to the positive school climate."

Dr. Stanley Fields - Superintendent

"Jeremy’s humor, his generosity, help create an atmosphere in which learning and leadership, with all their stresses and frustrations, are also funny and warm and significant."

Dr. Mary Ehrenworth Columbia University

"Jeremy has the experience, dedication, and vision necessary to contribute to the academic community and inspire the next generation of educators and educational leaders."

Dr. Ryan Bates Ferrum College

"Jeremy has the ability to inspire others in order to obtain the best possible outcomes."

Ms. April Vacik Principal

"Jeremy has been an unwavering leader for LGBTQ+ inclusion in education by implementing an inclusion taskforce in his district, several curriculum initiatives, and a gender procedure that has been used by districts across the state as a best practice."

Illinois Safe Schools Alliance

My Voice

My Voice

Intentionally Small Schools

I’ve dedicated over two decades of my life to the field of education, having worn the hats of both teacher and school administrator. My journey

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